
dated 19 August 2003

Dear friends,
1)As you know the notice for all students has been circulated. I would
you all the copy of the notice in a day or two. We have to really use our
network to get some good articles.

2) From Kanpur center we have  to nominate two representatives of ours to
represent kanpur in the national executive body.
So  I request you all to propose any two names from the six people group
here in IIT. You can also propose your name. 

3) I am proposing names of a)Anurag Sahaya and b) Saikat Chakrabarti
Thakur for it. You may second my proposal.

4) I have put a link in my home page for IAPT students' physics magazine.
It is in rudrimantary form. We can put all our activities and plan of
action here.
my home page is     home.iitk.ac.in/student/satyaray

5) Publication is not going to be a problem. Anurag bhai and I have
contacted Jagruti press for that purpose. They are going to give give us
an estimate soon.
6)Another thing required is work division among us. Inside the magagazine
we would have to put some physics related cartoons anecdotes and puzzles.
So memebers are requested to collect these tings also.

yours truly,
